Scott Hocking was born in Redford Township, Michigan in 1975. He has lived and worked in Detroit proper since 1996. He creates site-specific installations, sculptures and photography projects, often using found materials and neglected locations. Inspired by subjects ranging from ancient mythologies to current events, his artworks focus on transformation, ephemerality, chance, and the cycles of nature. He is left-handed and wears contact lenses. He has a speech impediment and was once hypnotized in an effort to correct this. He is a Pisces, born on the day of creative isolation, in the week of the loner, and the year of the cat. A psychic once told him he would have an average life and die at 88. He does not know how to roller-skate, ice skate, ski, or drive a stick shift. He is a percussionist and can play the glockenspiel part in Jupiter from Holst’s Planets suite. He can read palms. He grew up on a dirt road, near a railroad track, with a dog named Bubba, who sometimes slept on the kitchen table. In elementary school, a visiting barnyard turkey took a shit on his head. At 19, he lived in a Toyota Corolla for 4 months. At 27, he lived in a French chateau for 2 months. He has 4 tattoos. He is a 6 of spades. He is the number 11. He has been to 42 states. He once hiked the Death Valley dunes on a 117°F day, which led to a lesson from the sheriff, who said: “Son, people die in the desert.” He’s been stalked by a New Mexican mountain lion. He’s slept on a Toronto billboard. He’s eaten reindeer in Akureyri, deep-fried honeybees in Shanghai, kangaroo in Cambewarra, and grasshoppers in Oaxaca. His spirit animals are the dog, which walks on his left, and the crow, which flies on his right. His childhood nickname was Scooter. He’s a 6th generation Detroiter, descended from Baltic Polish immigrants and a long line of Cornish copper miners who settled in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Two dogs have bitten him in his life: Once on the right calf; Once above the right eye. His favorite films are Le Samourai and The Road Warrior. He has been arrested 6 times, and accumulated more traffic tickets than anyone you know. His artwork has been exhibited internationally, including the Van Abbemuseum, the Kunst-Werke Institute, Kunsthalle Wien, and the French Triennial Lille 3000: Renaissance, and nationally at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, the Smart Museum of Art, the School of the Art Institute Chicago, Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Museum, The Mattress Factory Art Museum, the Detroit Institute of Arts, Cranbrook Art Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, the Eli and Edythe Broad Museum at MSU, and the University of Michigan Institute For The Humanities. He has received multiple awards, including a Kresge Artist Fellowship, a Knight Foundation Arts Challenge Grant, and an Efroymson Contemporary Arts Fellowship, as well as residential grants in France, Iceland, Australia, Canada, Brazil, and throughout the United States. He is represented by David Klein Gallery, Detroit.