Virginia Rose Torrence curates daily remnants and found objects, and casts into and encapsulates them within slabs of resin. The objects comprise fragmented scenes that point to still-lifes and portraiture paintings; she is drawn towards the presence of absence within these art forms, the representations of remnants of life, and the desire those vestiges provoke.
Torrence was born in 1991 in Midland MI. She obtained her BFA from The College for Creative Studies in 2013 and her MFA from Alfred University in 2016. Her work has been shown at Trinosophes, (Detroit, MI), The White Page Gallery, (Minneapolis MN), Woman Made Gallery, (Chicago, IL), Fosdick-Nelson Gallery, (Alfred, NY), The Works, (Providence, RI), Saugatuck Center for the Arts, (Saugatuck, MI), Ox-Bow Gallery, (Saugatuck, MI). She currently lives and works in Hamtramck MI.